Suffer from anxiety, worry or depression? You won't be in 15 minutes
There is a secret prayer in the bible that you can
use to give yourself peaceful calmness and confidence and it works every time.
If you invest 15 minutes of your time right now, you can eliminate almost all
the fear, worry, anxiety and depression you experience for the rest of your
life. The prayer is based on the bible verse Matthew 18:18, "Truly I Say To
You, Whatever You Bind On Earth Will Be Bound In Heaven, And Whatever You
Loose On Earth Will Be Loosed In Heaven". Fear, worry, anxiety and depression
are primarily caused by what are called "unclean spirits" tormenting you.
Everyone is forced to deal with them to one degree or another, they are sent
by Satan to try to make you miserable and your life more unpleasant and
unsatisfying. One of the biggest things Jesus did while he was on the earth
was to cast out demons and unclean spirits from people, for instance he cast
out a total of seven unclean spirits from Mary Magdalene.
The Father calls the
USA "Greater Israel", it is the "New JerUSAlem"
You may be surprised to know that
the Father calls the USA "Greater Israel". The Father's lips define words.
The USA only has 4% of the earth's population. And yet it consumes 47% of the
world's resources. "New JerUSAlem". The
Father created this country three hundred years ago to make a large and
absolutely safe haven for his beloved children. The Father gave his beloved ones
his very best piece of real estate on the planet. To protect everyone
completely, he made the main premise that the country was founded on be "Freedom
of Religion". He sent over the so called religiously persecuted "Puritans" first
to establish the country's main premise firmly as "absolute religious freedom
for all". Then he gave the shills for this, the Puritans, a quick flush, and they
seem to have mysteriously vanished like a magic trick, and they have never been
heard of since. .... More
Atheists, here is
your proof of God's existence, "Tisha B'Av", the 9th of Av
There are a wide variety of ways
to prove out the existence of God. For example, are you aware that both original
Holy Temples were destroyed on the same day of the year? The 9th of Av, in the
Jewish calendar. And not only that, every major Jewish tragedy has also occurred
on that day? Even in modern times?
"The Story of Creation"
The Earth was created. Not 6000 years ago. Much,
much longer ago than that. This is the "Second Earth Age". The first one had the
dinosaurs. .....More
Your prayers are all
"wish lists to Santa Claus"
"So remember, your Father already
knows what your needs are".
Do not ask for things in your prayers. Those are veiled complaints. A proper
prayer consists of only two things, praising God and thanking God. Do not tell
God what "your
needs are" in your prayers. God is always right
next to you, and therefore he is already very well aware of each and every one
of your needs.
That being said, you might then start to understand just how redundant and
unnecessary it is to think that you have to tell the Father anything about your
situation or needs,
believe me, he already knows.
Have a little faith.
(Here is a very secret insight from someone who knows which will finally and
properly clarify the whole issue in your mind).
All that God really wants to hear from his
children are these two simple things, "Thank you" and "My goodness, how
wonderful". Variations on those two themes will get you through all your earthly
existence and right up into Heaven.
Just what he deserves, all accolades of "thank
you" and "praise to you" and not a complaint in sight.
Step by step instructions to
receive immortality, "The Immortality Prayer"
Are you numbered among the living, or among the dead? Are you
sure? Be sure. The key to the whole thing is the simple question, have you
received the Holy Spirit, or not? If you do not have the Holy Spirit, there
is a simple procedure to follow.
God Hates (blank)
the most
there it is pure and simple, one word says it all. And that is ALL complaints,
complaints about anything, complaints said to anybody, even just thinking them
in your own mind. He expects you to be mature and to nip that thought in the
bud, because he hears those insulting thoughts of yours also and it directly
hurts him tremendously. You can make God want to cry, as he is the host of this
big party we like to call life. And he feels the burden of responsibility for
everything. If you love God, never do it.
All of the circumstances in your life are not haphazard, nothing
happens to you by chance. .....More
The sodden
drunkard who started the Protestant Reformation
One day a pious monk went down to the village, there he spotted a sodden
drunkard laying face down in the gutter, as he attempted to get the man to his
feet, he told the man that he was acting disgracefully and that he was
embarrassing the whole village with his outrageous behavior. The man then matter
of factually informed him that he was in no way any type of a sinner and quite
to the opposite, he was sure to go to Heaven when he passed on, a fact that even
the pious monk could in no way state with any certainty. The man then reached
into his coat pocket and produced a piece of paper that seemed to prove all of
his aforementioned points, you see he had purchased a so called "indulgence"
from the Catholic church that had absolved him from any and all of his sins and
then it further guaranteed his admittance into Heaven when he passed on, no
matter what level of
abominable sins he had committed while still on this earth.
And that included "ALL sins, past, present and those
committed in the future".
One of those "indulgences" could be very very handy.
You see, just a little money purchased a clean ticket to
Heaven according to "the church".
The Due and Propers, how do you pray
The two most important things you
must know about prayer is this,
don't ask for material things, and don't complain about
For 9 out of 10 people in the world, we have just eliminated the entire
contents of all of their prayers, my goodness is there anything left over?
The most important commandment is, "You shall love God the Father with all
your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all
your mind".
This is the premise that all prayer and worship must be based upon.
The only proper contents of a
prayer are these two things, praising the Father and thanking the Father.
If you always stick to these guidelines, then you have truly learned the proper
way to pray.
The "Garden of Eden" has been
returned to the Earth
The Father is done. He has made this world into "Heaven on the
Earth". As he promised that one day he would. Looking at the big picture. And
looking at the long term trends. You can see a type of "Garden of Eden"
developing on this earth. Follow. Look at our situation only 100 or so years
ago, what was it like? .....More
The official
Jewish version of the bible was doctored from the original texts to hide proof
of Jesus being the Messiah
The "Jesus Psalm" or Psalm 22,
which proves that Jesus was the Messiah, has been altered and falsified in the
Tanach (the Torah/Tanach or Old Testament is the Jewish bible) from what it says
in the original texts, in an attempt to hide the fact that Jesus was the real
Messiah. The critical faked and corrupted verse in the Tanach is Psalm 22:17,
(22:16 in a Christian bible). A little background as to why this is the critical
and definitive verse in proving that Jesus was really the Messiah and why it is
the very last verse in the Jew's bible that should have ever been tampered with.
The reason is that the 22nd Psalm is the only place that can be definitively
cross referenced back to the old testament and show where clear ancient
prophetic proof of Jesus being the Messiah can be found. .....More
My Jewish
friends, Jesus came to save you from "The Lake of Fire", not from the Romans
Jesus is the one sent by the
Father to save you and to give you eternal life. And the only methodology of
obtaining eternal life is found in the New Testament.
The Torah says absolutely nothing about how to obtain it. Nothing. It
was not supposed to. A savior was coming. You were told to wait for the Jewish
Messiah. He was going to save you. But not from the Romans. The Romans were
efficient administrators of all of the lands that they managed. It was their
job, given to them by God, they worked for you. ......More
Constantine and his "Pagan Coins", a
little evidence
Even though the founder of Catholicism, Roman Emperor Constantine, was said to
have converted from paganism to Christianity, he continued to still put pagan
symbols on all the coins that he had minted. The evidence on his coins seem to
indicate that his full conversion to Christianity was anything but sincere.
How to receive all the supernatural
powers that come from "Speaking in Tongues"
So you have made it in, your lifespan has been extended from 80 years to a
million plus, now you can just sit back and relax. It is true that once you have
received the Father's Holy Spirit, you have also received the gift of eternal
life in a place so peaceful, beautiful and enjoyable that words can not
adequately describe it, but is that the end of your responsibility in the
matter? When a person is born again and receives the Holy Spirit they receive
what can only be described as "the stripped down bare bones model". Way at the
other end of the spectrum, you have his son, who received "the full measure" of
the Father's Holy Spirit, and therefore also had all the supernatural powers and
gifts that come after you spend time, and build up the spirit to its full
To tap into that power fully, you must learn how to obtain the gift of "speaking
in tongues". .....More
What is the one
single irrefutable test can be used to identify a true "Spirit Filled" (Heaven
bound) Christian?
Most so called "Christians", are not really
Christians at all. They are the very common majority category of so called
"lip service" Christians. A "spirit filled" Christian has certain
characteristics that can used to properly identify them. People ask them what
religion they are and they are left in a quagmire, they know that they are not
Jewish, a Buddhist, a Hindu or a Muslim and most people consider the label of
being an "atheist" akin to being a minion of Satan, so they call themselves
what is left over, a Christian. After all Grandma did drag them to church
every once in a while. And a couple years ago they actually did attend a
Christmas or an Easter service. Soo.. You know, "God owes me, he's got my
back". "I am a Christian". Meanwhile God is on the floor laughing at their
gross delusion. About 80-90 percent of all Christians are really in this foul
category of the "lip service" Christians. .....More
"The Super
Nutrients", you will now live to the age of 120
I am going to need for the children of the
Millennium (you) to take a certain multi vitamin, multi mineral, "super
nutrient" formulation. If you want to live a very long time that is. This is a
very special vitamin, mineral and "miracle nutrients" formulation specifically
designed by God to restore your body to peak condition and also specifically to
give you a very long life. Not kidding.
It is the "Special
Two", a multi vitamin/multi mineral/super nutrient formulation from a company
called "Now". It comes in an orange bottle and is available at most health food
stores or at
"All Christians
are really agents of Satan" - the fatal flaw of the Jehovah's Witnesses
Jehovah's Witnesses have a number of fatal
flaws that invalidates them in the Father's eyes. First and foremost, they
officially call all Christians "agents of Satan", or the "evil tares" spoken of
in Matthew 13:39-39, "and the tares are the sons of the evil one;
39and the enemy who
sowed them is the devil".
In that parable about the good seed and the bad seeds or tares they claim in all
their publications and on their
website that
Christian are the Satanic "evil tares" spoken of and that only the Jehovah's
Witnesses are the true "good seeds" spoken of in that parable.
This is the ludicrous basic tenet
that makes up the very rotten core of what this so called "religion" (cult) is
based upon. ......More
How many times a
day do you pray? Counting grace prayers, a normal person would pray at least
five times.
You would pray before each and every meal,
that would be three times right there, and your wake up and good nights to God.
As you enter and exit the bed. But the nice thing about that requirement is that
it is very easy to fulfill and all normal people have already long had the habit
of thanking God for every bite of food before they consume it anyway. The most
important thing to remember about saying grace and all other prayers is the any
type of "standard" or repetitive prayer is no longer acceptable. All prayers
must now be unique.
Why do we always
feel compelled to bath frequently and to keep a clean and tidy house? It is
because of the "Shekinah" or the "Holy Spirit" of God
The "Shekinah" or the "Holy
Spirit" has the nose of a bloodhound, times one hundred. And believe it or not,
a copy of the Shekinah is always within three feet of you, it has to be, it
carries the "divine spark" that makes you tick. One of the meanings of the term
Shekinah is "God with us" or "the indwelling of God". A secular person would
call it their "conscience". A saved person would get a very enhanced version of
the conscience called "the Holy Spirit" of God. Both the "conscience" and the
true "Holy Spirit" could be thought of as a type of a version of the "Holy
Spirit of God". But the Shekinah HATES the smell of stinky breath, body odor,
tobacco and of ash trays, etc. It also hates dirty and messy homes.
It likes everything clean and neat and
tidy and smelling like a rose. .....More
Members of
Judaism. A charge has been made. By me.
A conspiracy. And a very real one. A charge of
"doctoring the bible to falsify God's intent" has been made. By me. You doctored
up and falsified your own version of the Torah/Tanach in an effort to hide all
proof of Jesus being the Messiah. Most Jews would be aghast to learn that all
modern copies of their bible have been altered and falsified from the original
texts in a sinister attempt to hide Jesus. When your high priest Caiaphas
hastily had Jesus crucified, they forgot to check the prophecy on the Messiah
first. You see the old testament really says that
"the Messiah will be crucified". It says that in
Psalm 22:16/17. "The Jesus Psalm". Now we have a problem. That definitively
points out that this actually was and is the only Messiah coming. Now the ca ca
hit the fan. .....More
Other Religions? "Other" religions
take you to "other places".
With the release of The New Holy
Bible there now remains only one valid religion that is pleasing to God,
Protestant Christianity, everything else falls into a category God likes to call
"THE OTHERS". All the "eastern religions" such as
Hinduism, Buddhism and the like are in the "heathen religions" category that
Satan set up to wear you down and to keep people from ever finding the one true
God. The Father calls them "Satan's Sticky Bombs", they are set up to
distract and ensnare you. .....More
How a bowl of
chili, caused the creation of the concept of a place called "Purgatory"
It is true. You see Saint Patrick is responsible for the Catholics believing in
a place called "Purgatory". Even though the term is not even in the bible. Not
even in the Catholics fake bible with the fake 10 Commandments. They took out
the one that forbade the worshipping of graven images so that they could
venerate the relabeled pagan Roman Venus God statues that they call "the virgin
Mary". On not so fine a day old St. Patrick had a "vision" on Purgatory Island
off the coast of Ireland of "a place between Heaven and Hell where you were
cleansed of all unrighteous before entering paradise". Glory be, how do we
interpret this remarkable vision? The correct interpretation of that vision is
that the place was the earth itself, not a new imaginary (and nonexistent) place
called Purgatory. But the correct interpretation did not come to them, so they
again just threw out the bible and started to just make stuff up.
Do want a cozy
evening? You must burn a candle
Spending your evening watching TV
in a cozy candle lit room will become a wonderful thing for you. And it was
meant to be wonderful. Life with God in your home was meant to be warm, cozy and
wonderful. This is a part of "the ambiance" that you have to set up in order to
help create that. Soon "the way of the candles" will become second nature to
you. If you enter a room just lit by incandescent bulbs, it will seem "dead" in
there. No life. At home, you will only feel comfortable in a room with a lit
candle in it. It will make you happy. It will make you cheery. It will make your
life more pleasant. The candle will become "the beating heart" of the room. You
soon will not know how you lived without them. Rather uncivilized really. .....More
The "Broadcasting Devices of Satan", AKA - the bridge is down.
The bridge is a representation of the
communication line that used to exist between God the Father and the human
beings that he created for his pleasure and to have fellowship with. It has
two lanes so that traffic (messages) can flow in either direction. The big
problem that exists today is that for a whole generation the bridge has been
severely damaged and for most individuals it is down completely. These 50
years have witnessed the proliferation of at least one television set and
stereo in every home and a radio in each and every car.
These distraction boxes, when they are misused,
become "the broadcasting devices from Satan", that were prophesied in
Revelation 13:15
This is the "Shekinah's
Talisman", divine peace and protection from God
The "Kiss Factory" for the
Shekinah. This is a free Talisman containing great power for you. A Talisman or
Amulet has never been sanctioned by God before in the Judeo-Christian faiths. If
you look carefully you will see the "Rod of Iron"
(from Psalm
2:9) or the "Sword of the Lord" being held up
and actually being controlled by the Father, the tip of
the sword comes out just below his left knee of the son. This
illustrates that even though the son says the words, they are simply a rendition
of the words that the Father has given him to say. They are not the son's words,
they are the Father's words. A large part of the problem of the lack of intimacy
between God and man is the fact that God is invisible and therefore easy to
forget about and ignore. God speaks to us in a soft, still voice
and he felt that you needed help learning to
actively communicate with him,
we humans tend to lose the awareness that he is always sitting right next to us,
Conversions", on one day, every atheist will crawl
You would think
from the tenor of the New Holy Bible that it is God's contention that only a
small percentage of people are converted and go on to accept God the Father, and
to try to personally obtain his Holy Spirit and the eternal life that comes with
that. That is quite wrong, the actual conversion rate in the long run is almost
100%. How can that be when 9 out of 10 people basically could be considered
apathetic about God? Well those 9 out of 10 will all change their tune at some
point in their lives. For a majority of them it will be when a doctor comes into
their waiting room with a clipboard in hand and anxiously tells them "I am
sorry, but the test results are negative".
Then an interesting phenomenon always occurs, it seems that every one of them
suddenly "gets religion". .....More
The new "Chosen
People" are now all of the people who chose God back
The ranks of the chosen
people has been expanded and qualified. To be a member you simply must chose God
back. You must accept ALL his words as being the inspired words of God. You can
not simply pick and chose what you wish to believe. You can not he a "shopping
cart" child of God, pushing your shopping cart down the isle of the bible saying
"I will chose this, but I do not chose that". That will no longer fly. Gentiles
must not downplay the Old Testament by saying the is the "Jew's bible" and not
fully relevant to a Christian. Jew's must fully accept the New Testament as
being the message of the very Jewish messenger Jesus and understand that he was
and is the only Messiah coming.
"Request prayers"
(asking for things) make the Shekinah cringe
"So remember, your Father
already knows what your needs are". (Matthew
6:8) Request prayers or
"asking for things", is really a "veiled complaint". You ask God, "please give me a
new car". But she hears a complaint. God hears "the car that you have
already given me is a piece of junk, you are not taking care of me very well".
Make her happy. Just thank God, and tell her how wonderful this world that she
has given us is. That makes her feel good. Request prayers make her cringe. How do you feel
when your wife starts asking for a new house, or if you can find a way to make
more money? You cringe. As does God.
Why Catholics are
never given the gift of "Speaking in Tongues"
As definitive proof to them as to
their poor choice for a religion, the Father has given all Catholics a clear and
undeniable supernatural sign from above..
He has taken away the Catholic's
ability to "speak in tongues". As the bible says that you should be able to do.
The bible says it. The bible. And every other Protestant can already do it. But
a Catholic is never given that gift from the Father.
Finding a Catholic who can speak in tongues, is
as rare, as flipping a coin and having it land on its edge.
The Catholic's have entire divisions, buildings, official mantras, books,
slogans and even official apologists whose entire career is designed just to try
to explain away this clear negative sign from above as to the Catholic religion
being out of step with God.
They say things like "the Apostolic Era is over",
"that was only for the early church", "that part of the bible is invalid", and
the most pathetic excuse of all, "that gift is from Satan".
Why did God
create humans in the first place? The real purpose of the personal
For camaraderie and friendship. After all there are no other Gods
available to pal around with. Just the one. A lonely business to be sure. The
solution? To make exact copies of himself. But not wind up dogs. You wind them
up and they bark for for 87 seconds. You wind them up and they bark for for 87
Just Exactly who
do you pray to? Get this one right.
God the Father has a big
technical problem with many of the prayers that people make to God.
It seems that many people are unclear as to just who it is that they are
supposed to be praying to. Many people start their prayers, "Dear Lord Jesus or
Dear Mother Mary" and ignore the explicit instructions of Jesus in the bible as
to how you should address your prayers.
Jesus said to: "Pray Then In This Way,
Who Art In Heaven, Hallowed Be Thy Name," etc..
As for praying to the so called
"virgin Mary", she is a patriarch of the Christian faith but she does not have
the responsibility or even the ability of hearing much less acting on your
prayers. She is just a normal person who has lived in Heaven for over two
thousand years blissfully unaware of even one of the millions upon millions of
prayers that are flushed everyday by praying to her.
The 22nd Psalm,
the indisputable proof that Jesus was "The Messiah"
The 22nd Psalm is the only place that can be definitively cross
referenced back to the old testament and show where clear ancient prophetic
proof of Jesus being the Messiah can be found. Some of the last words of Jesus
on the cross according to the books of Matthew and Mark are
"My God, my God why have thou forsaken me?". Now to the novice reader
this may seem on the surface that Jesus was crying out that God the Father had
abandoned him, but in reality, he was giving out the last and final proof that he
was the Messiah. During those times the Psalms were not numbered like they are
today, the way that you identified an
individual Psalm was to quote the first line.
The Infamous Million Dollar Prayer
destroyer of faith for thousands of years, this prayer may be responsible for
more vacancies in Heaven than any other single thing. When new converts learn
that the Father has chosen reverent prayer as the means to communicate with him
sooner or later they come to the conclusion, if we can ask for anything
from the Father why not just ask for a million dollars?
When the Father's certified check is delivered I can just pack up all my
troubles in my old kit bag and smile, smile, smile. Then for some reason the
check never comes and they come to the conclusion that this whole faith thing
must be bunk. .....More
Stirring the Pot,
the "Refining Process"
After you receive the Holy Spirit
you begin a long process of refining and purification.
Because this procedure requires a lot of changes it can be a bit stressful. The
Father uses trials and your life's circumstances to artificially heat up your
situation a bit and provide a stimulus to accomplish the needed changes. Because
man is in contact with the earth he inherits a very strong tendency towards evil
and sin passed down from Adam's original fall from grace in the Garden of Eden.
Satan is the ruler of this earth and to one degree or another every person has
been tainted with his opinions, ideas and beliefs. We live in a world defined in
our minds by what is portrayed on television. The absolutely godless society
that the TV portrays is made to seem quite reasonable and normal.
Radios in cars,
the one device that God has absolutely no use for
Do you know that God speaks
to you only when it is very quiet in the room? It has to be near silent, all
distraction boxes (radio, TV) turned off. You see God whispers into your ear, he
does not shout. Do you want to hear what he has to say? A TV can be used if used
properly and in a constructive way. There is one device however that the Father
has absolutely no use for however and that is
Especially in cars. Never has there been a
more useless device created by man, a device created for one purpose only, to
take and fill up the very last little bit of your quiet free time that used to
be filled with hearing the soft still voice of the Father whispering in your
ear. .....More
Satan's "A Team", our heroes want to
kill us
Satan's "A-Team" consists of virtually anyone whose
face you recognize or name you remember from television or radio, the world
calls them celebrities. The
first overriding characteristic they all have in common is that virtually none
of them are devout followers of God the Father. What is acting anyway? Isn't it
simply the art of being a very believable and proficient liar? Who is the father
of all lies? .....More
Shekinah ate Tyre
Shekinah ate Tyre. "The prince of
Tyrus was a bit of "a big name" but alas he was a man. (see Ez28) Same for the
king of Babylon. (see Is 14)" Are you referring to the island country of "Tyre"?
Shekinah ate Tyre. You see somewhere in the book of Ezekiel Shekinah says "Tyre,
you stink, I will blot you out of existence. Your name will not even be
remembered. You will be Gone." (more or less, that is what she said) Ezekiel
Why does God put
troubles into a persons life?
God puts troubles into a
persons life as a kind of "a hook". Without some heat in a persons life they
will never feel a need to perhaps "see what God can do about this mess". The
heat causes them to contemplate "maybe God can help me out". If God loves you
and yet you are not saved, he will send a lot of high drama into your life to
exasperate you and to push you to the edge. And when you get to the edge you
have to do something.
You are given the "Gift of Prophecy"
after you clock in 1000 hours of praying in tongues
The Father rewards you for
finishing your 1000 hours of praying in tongues by giving you the gift of
prophecy, you receive visions and dreams that always come true. This gift is the
fulfillment of the prophecy of Joel 2:28, "And it will come about in those days
that I will then pour out my own Holy Spirit on all mankind, And your sons and
daughters will begin to prophecy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men
will see visions". In addition to the gift of prophecy, all fear, worry, and
anxiety are removed from your spirit. .....More
Want to talk to God?
The foremost thing that is
required in order to actually make a connection and hear the voice of God the
Father is that you and your environment must be silent. You will be amazed to
find out that the Father speaks in a soft still voice.
19:12) If you really want to hear
it, your environment must be completely quiet, God does not shout. The next very
important thing that you have to do is that you have to enter into a very
solitary place, a closed bedroom works well.
God in his turn,
collapsed the entire Roman Empire after they pulled that beauty..
Catholicism may be the root that started
Christianity. But the root went very bad many years ago. Unbridled egotism seems
to be the main cause. They turned the important thing from being the "worship of
God" to simply the "worship of the church", that is worship of the institution
of the Catholic church and its bureaucracy. Then they started just making stuff
up. All self serving stuff. Then they started just throwing out commandments
left and right that they did not like. The second (no graven images) and the
fourth (the real Sabbath is on Saturday) just went out the window.
Then they dreamed up the whole fake "virgin
Mary" scam.
Everything is not preordained, Clock Tower Snipers are allowed to snipe
All things are not preordained.
The future has not already happened. Like it was on a tape and we are just
waiting to catch up. God gives us free will. And that means that there are
always two choices. Good and bad. Satan's way or God's way. God created us in
the first place to have fellowship with him. Now if everything was preordained
God would have in essence created a bunch of wind up toys. Like those wind up
dogs that bark and walk for about 60 seconds after you wind them up. ......More
Are you in the 9
out of 10 club?
Are you a member
of the "9 out of 10 is sure to get me in club?" This club is Satan's most
successful trick, the premise behind is that
if I am a good person then I will go to Heaven.
On the surface it seems logical
enough, if I just do more good things than I do bad then a fair God would surely
send me to Heaven when I die. Wrong! being good or bad in and of itself has no
bearing on your eternal destiny. Jesus said that many of those expecting to
enter Heaven are in for a big shock, he will tell them "I never knew you, depart
from me, you evildoers"
What Jesus is saying is that a majority of people seem to have a misconception
about their eternal destiny with the Father and they are in for a very sobering
wake up call when they pass from this world.
What is a liberal?
A liberal is "a cancer cell on the
body of humanity". That is God's definition. No grace, no church.
in God's eyes. A waste of space. A void in space, with not much in it.
Basically, a cancer cell on God's body, waiting for some chemo.
A liberal is a "quasi atheist", an atheist in each and every way except one,
admitting to it. They will not cross over that last shred of indignity to God,
they simply will not say the words "I am an atheist". Normally done out of fear
rather than any composition of moral fiber within them. God would respect them
more if they just said the words outright. A liberal is in essence and in
reality a minion of Satan.
You effectively worked as his servant and advocate
by spreading and promoting your liberal (Satanic) thoughts for him. You did his
job for him. How thoughtful. You are the reason Hell was created in the first
place my friend. You are in for a peck of trouble.
I will use an illustration, in the
movies they always portray God as being on one of your shoulders and Satan on
the other, and this is a quite true analogy. God whispers his plan into your ear
first and then Satan gets his turn and he gets a full and fair chance to present
his plan to you. Now the choices that you then make with the free will given to
you by the Father as to which voice to obey determines either your personal
virtue or it demonstrates your lack of virtue.
If you routinely agree with Satan's
ideas then you would be defined as a liberal and if you routinely agree with
God's ideas then you would be defined as a conservative,
it is as simple as that. Satan is definitely
a dumocrat. And God the Father is to the right of even most republicans. God is
an arch conservative and the closer you are to that the closer you are to God.
All "Standard or
Repetitive Prayers" are offensive to God, even the Lords Prayer
The Father hates any form of
"Standard" or repetitive type prayers. From the Rosary and Hail Mary prayers, to
anything read from any form of prayer book, even to the Lord's Prayer.
The main rule of the new Millennium is this: "Make your prayers consist of
praise and thanksgiving only, make each one a unique and original love letter
from your heart, and
then you will prosper in all of your ways".
The "unique and original love letter from your heart" clause
refers to the Father's desire that each prayer be new and original and with NO
REPETITIVE words in it. A slow, thoughtful listing of all the things that you
are thankful for, in an offering of praise and adoration, on your knees, is the
only proper and pleasing way to pray.
The "Death
Penalty", if you ignore God's soft voice, he will speak a little louder
The Father has various types of
"men on the ground", that act as the enforcement arm of God's will being done on
this earth. The police, and the court system, are a part of that. A criminal gets
to that point because he routinely dismisses the voice of God whispering in his
ear. You would call it "the conscience". It is really a pale form of the Holy
Spirit of God. Every human being receives it at birth, it lays out the basic
ground rules for you so that you do not just act like a wild dog in heat. It is
the thing that makes you into a human.
As to the
composition of the miracle health food "Manna", the cure for obesity and
Biblical "Manna" can be 99% replicated nowadays. The
miracle health food manna can virtually eliminate all obesity, diabetes, high
cholesterol, constipation, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), colon, and ovarian
cancers. .....More
Is it true that
most "quasi atheists" smoke and most "Spirit Filled" (Heaven bound) Christians
do not?
It is an undeniable fact that almost all "spirit
filled" (Heaven bound) Christians do not smoke. It is only the people in the
rather broad "other" category who are the smokers who befoul this beautiful
planet with all their stink. If you are truly indwelt with the Holy Spirit it
simply will not allow you to stink up the air in its presence. This could be a
valuable tool in your personally evaluating and determining if you are either a
Heaven bound or a Hell bound individual. The Holy Spirit hates the smell of all
tobacco products, cigarettes, cigars, chew, even the ash trays, etc.. And
believe it or not, a copy of the Holy Spirit is always within three feet of you,
it has to be, it carries the "divine spark" that makes you tick. It will very
reluctantly let you smoke as a young and rather stupid youth. It has had the
price of cigarettes jacked up so high now to act as a deterrent, and to make
sure you are always poor as a punishment for hurting it. And the Holy Spirit had
all of the laws changed to reflect its personal abhorrence to smoking.
Now each and every 30 minutes or so it makes every smoker take "the walk of
shame" down to the public "boob pole". There it makes you stand as a public
spectacle of your addiction, it wants you to feel like a heroin addict, just
shooting up right in front of a very disgusted crowd of your peers. .....More
Catholic paganism is caused just
because Constantine "looked up into the sun" at the Milvian Bridge
Constantine converted to a form of Christianity in the first place because just
before a major battle for the control of the Roman Empire, he had a prophetic
vision from God. On the eve of the battle at the Milvian Bridge in September
312AD, Constantine found in his dream the visage of Christ approach him as he
looked up into the sun, telling him to paint the symbols for the cross or the
Greek letters for the initials of Jesus on all the shields of his warriors and
he would then win the battle, which he did do. It is clear that Constantine
understood this mystical encounter in the terms that his own favorite pagan "Sun
God" Sol Invictus Mithras was sending him a messenger in the form of the
Christian deity. The fact that he saw the vision "coming out of the sun" caused
in him the gross misunderstanding of the exact mechanics of how God sent him
this message and it is the main reason he remained a half a pagan until his
death. He thought that the pagan Sun God Mithras was working with the Christian
deity Jesus hand in hand. And that is how he set the foul pattern for
Catholicism to this very day, half pagan and half Christian.
Reversing Baldness
with Apple Cider Vinegar
"Shekinah's Miracle
Hair Tonic".. You know "baldness, can be reversed".
With apple cider vinegar.
I used, to have a bald spot.
Now, I look like an hairy overfed chia pet. .....More
The all new "Lord's Creed", it
supersedes and it replaces both the Nicene Creed and the Apostles Creed
To help you to more clearly understand how to pray
and communicate with the Father in a more pleasing way he has dictated an all
new creed called the "Lord's Creed". It is really a concise snapshot of the
entire New Holy Bible condensed down into one short easy to remember paragraph.
It supersedes and it replaces both the Nicene Creed and the Apostles Creed and
it alone is to be used in all church services from now on. .....More
Africa, the
Father has a forest preserve of his own
You may have read on our site that the
Father's favorite channels for his children to watch is
the "nature shows",
and the reason he does is that it is a tremendous faith boosting experience.
The message the Father gave me is
the Africa that you see as the backdrop on most of
the nature documentaries is God the Father's Almighty's personal animal
the "King's Woods" as they used to say in Robin
Hood's England. A very private and divinely protected preserve of wildlife
belonging to the King only.
The reason there are so many wide open uninhabited areas is that the Father
has kept Africa as his own private nature sanctuary. He wants you to be aware
that large populations of human beings are not compatible with this.
Shaving, tattoos, and piercings
In this new Millennium people will not only begin to
behave decently and respectfully, they will also begin to look decent and
respectful. Are you one of these who says to "ignore and reject authority" with
a couple days of beard growth? The new "I am a skid row bum" look? The new "I
woke up face down in a gutter" look? Very very classy. God is so so
proud of you. Well you can if you want to. While your heart still ticks the beloved
one gives you absolute free will. But free will ends with your heartbeat. And
after that everything else is mandatory. And screaming in Hell is unavoidable.
You may win this little battle, but you will lose the war. Shave. Everyday.
World War Two and
the Holocaust were "Selective Floods"
God starts all wars. God ends all
wars. Nothing happens by chance. It never has and it never will.
There is an issue that does not get discussed very often. Why did only certain
people die and certain people live during World War Two? Why did the soldier to
the left of you and the soldier to the right of you catch a bullet and yet
somehow you came out of the war unharmed? Did the Father just allow people to
die randomly or was there a selective process used? In other words, was there a
method to the madness? What was the Father up to? Both world wars contained a
type of "genetic cleansing" (people) and "infrastructure rebuilding" (buildings)
procedure. On the face of it the death and destruction seemed so very random and
arbitrary. Millions upon millions died and the great cities of Europe were all
destroyed or heavily damaged. Could there be any rhyme or reason to all that
death and destruction? What was God doing in allowing (or causing) all of this?
He was doing what was needed to be done.
The founder of Catholicism had his
wife boiled alive and his first born son strangled
Does that sound like something that a Christian would do? The Roman Catholic
Church was created in the first place in 325AD when the Roman Emperor
Constantine convened what is now called the Nicene Council, a
gathering 220 elders (bishops) together, in order to unify all the diverse pagan
and Christian teachings and doctrines that existed in the Roman empire at that
time, and to establish the common practices. This so called “universalizing” or
combining of the common pagan and Christian practices together produced what is
now known as the Roman Catholic Church (RCC).
The abomination.
Marijuana in the
It is important to note that marijuana is all over
the bible. It was the main component, the only "active component", of "the Holy
Anointing Oil"
7:46) that is repeatedly mentioned in the bible. .....More
The Father's
favorite television channels for his children to watch
Although it won't
necessarily compromise your eternal fate, you should be very aware of the
hierarchy of the Father's preferences on which television shows that he prefers
his children to watch. A TV can be used from time to time if used properly and
in a constructive way. After all the reason God created the audio and visual
wonder called TV in the first place was to give everyone a chance to fully view
each and every part of this magnificent world that he has created just for his
beloved children. Without leaving your living room you can travel to all four
corners of the world and view every gorgeous, exotic and beautiful location on
the face of the earth. You can see all the beautiful birds, plants, fish,
landscapes and the animals of all kinds without flying off to the other side of
the world to see them. A television acts as a kind of "trophy case" of God's
masterpieces, displaying one after another of God's most beautiful and inventive
creations from each and every part of the globe. God is very proud of all of his
creations and he receives pleasure at the "oh's and ah's" of his dear children
as they are exposed to the magnificent things that he has made around the world
just for their appreciation. .....More
Removing and Preventing Wrinkles
A blessing from God, is
"Shekinah's Vitamin C Infusions", which is a powdered vitamin C pill, melted
into a small amount of warm water, and applied topically, to your face and neck.
Costs, almost nothing. But the effects, are amazing. You absorb 10 times more
vitamin C, when it is applied topically. And on your face, it boosts "collagen
production", dramatically smoothing out all your wrinkles. Applied twice daily.
This trick, is actually amazing.
How to create
"flower offerings" to God
How do you create "flower offerings" to God? How many flowers do you put out?
And how do you arrange them? Here is how to put a smile on God's face. Here is
how to create a "flower offering to God":
God and Satan "do
brunch" everyday
It may surprise
you to know that Satan is one of God the Father's sons, "there was a day when
the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came
among them" A writer once wrote that "if Satan did not exist then God would
have to invent him" and that is quite true. Satan inadvertently provides a
valuable service for God, if something were to ever happen to him the Father
would have to create another one just like him with the exact same thoughts,
ideas and motives to take his place. God the Father created Satan and he could
destroy him at any time if he chose to do so, but the fact of the matter is that
he does not want him to be harmed in any way. Why?
You are admiring a dead person,
"Let the dead bury the dead"
During a fast one time I received a vision, The
television was on and a very successful female TV personality had one of her
shows on. I was thinking, I remember back twenty years ago when she just got
started and that she sure made a huge success of life. A soft still voice then
said to me,
"you are admiring a dead person, let the dead bury the
dead" .....More
And the ones that
could say it with the straightest face, they called "Bishops"..
Catholicism may be the root that started Christianity.
But that root went bad many many years ago.
Unbridled egotism seems to be the main cause. They turned the most important
thing from being the "worship of God" to simply the "worship of the church",
that is worship of the institution of the Catholic church and its bureaucracy.
Then they started just making stuff up. All self serving stuff. Then they
started just throwing out commandments left and right that they did not like.
The second (no graven images) and the fourth (the real Sabbath is on Saturday)
just went out the window. .....More
Berserker. A
punishing angel. They wear the upside down cross.
A punishing angel.
(From the
Apocalypse of Peter verse 21,
2nd Enoch 10:1) A berserker is pure unbridled
They wear the upside down cross. Punishment. They have no limits. They
have no restrictions. Pure. Unmitigated. Horror. Unstoppable. They have no fear.
And they do not care.
..... More
The secret hidden
meaning of the words "My God, My God, why have thou forsaken me?"
Some of the last words of Jesus on the cross according to the
books of Matthew and Mark are "My God, my God why have thou forsaken me?".
(Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34) Now to the novice reader this may seem on the
surface that Jesus was crying out that God the Father had abandoned him but in
reality he was giving out the last and final proof that he was the Messiah.
During those times the Psalms were not numbered like they are today and
the way that you identified an individual Psalm was to quote the first line.
We would would say that its name was simply "the 22nd Psalm". Back then however
the only way to tell identify that particular Psalm was to say the words "My
God, my God, why have thou forsaken me?". Just like he did.
Behold the
Behemoth", the Dinosaurs in the Bible
The Earth was created. Not 6000 years ago. Much,
much longer ago than that. This is the "Second Earth Age". The first one had the
They are documented in
Job 40:15-24:
"Behold the Behemoth, Its tail is like a great cedar, Its bones are like tubes
of bronze, Its legs are like bars of iron, It is one of the first of God's
A cigarette smoker is "paying stupid tax".
The "Shekinah"
is personally very greatly repulsed by the smell of all tobacco related
products, cigarettes, chew, cigars, ashtrays, etc.. This is why all people who
attend church each and every week are almost exclusively non-smokers. No
ashtrays are needed outside of a church. The Shekinah (the Holy Spirit) simply
will not allow the people that are the closest to her to stink and to befoul the
air around her. ......More
Osama Bin Laden
killed two minutes after we first publish "The New Holy Bible"
After over five years of typing, the Father kills Osama Bin Laden just two
minutes after we first publish "The New Holy Bible". The "Sign".
The Catholic
The Protestants main core belief
is in the supremacy of the printed words in the bible. Strict adherence to the
The Catholics however turned the most important thing from being the "worship of
God" to simply the "worship of the church", that is worship of the institution
of the Catholic church and its bureaucracy.
The Catholics main core belief is
in the supremacy of "the church". The so called "Catholic church" and NOT the
bible. The same "church" that is so fraught with errors, flaws, and deviations
from the bible that it makes God retch.
The 613 laws of the Old Testament
are punitive in nature
They were created because of the golden calf fiasco. The set of laws that were
on the second set of tablets that Moses brought down were far different than the
set of laws that were on the first set of tablets that Moses smashed. The first
set of laws created a form of "utopia on this earth", with God himself ruling it
and acting as a judge and the administrator of all things. When Moses smashed
that first set of tablets,
it was at the prompting of God himself to do it.
And to then metaphorically destroy the utopia that he had carefully set up for
the benefit of the entire world.
God's pick of "the
Top Five" preachers in the USA
These are God's "Top Five Picks" as far as
being "the most effective, the most beneficial, and the most trusted" of the
television and internet teachers. As per God, the five who "got it right". Now
that is a pretty good endorsement.
The secret of
"The Battle of Armageddon"
The bible states
that there will be a
of Armageddon",
which again is commonly misunderstood as being a literal battle with large
armies clashing. It is described that, "the blood will be up to the horses
bridles", and in other representative ways that are not meant to be taken as
exactly literal. I can assure you that the days of any wars that are fought with
horses again are probably behind us. The actual battle of Armageddon is the very
personal battle we each must face, alone. The key to understanding
the secret of Armageddon
is to look at exactly where it was supposed to take place, at Mageddo
in northern central Israel.
What does the Talmud
say about Pedophiles?
Let me tell you what the Talmud
says about "pedophiles". If you members of Judaism, want to learn something interesting. Let
me tell you about the Talmud. .....More
Oatmeal, is far
better for your heart than Statins
Living with "no prescriptions"..
My blood pressure is 116/73. 15 points lower, than the average, for my age. No
prescriptions, no statins, just 2 bowls of oatmeal and milk a day.. .....More
The "Prophecies" of
the book of Revelation and what they mean
Certain things are predicted.
First, two "anti-Christ's" must come. And those were Napoleon and Adolph Hitler.
Second, there had to
occur a "seven year tribulation period" of unprecedented carnage and this
occurred between the years of 1938 to 1945, World War Two and the Holocaust. It
is commonly thought that World War Two started in 1939 with Germany's invasion
of Poland but that is incorrect. WWII actually started in 1938 when Germany
annexed Austria, effectively putting Austria's 192,000 Jews under Hitler's thumb
and throwing them into the Holocaust.